Notify Connector for Microsoft Teams Plugin

Tiago Macul
3 min readOct 17, 2024


Notify Connector for Microsoft Teams

App id: sn_notify_msteams

Latest Version: 2.7.5

Industry: All

Category: Notify, Incident Management


Notify connector for Microsoft Teams provides support for conference calls on the Now Platform for rapid communication with internal team members, customers, and contractors.

Notify provides workflows that shorten the timeline for mobilizing resources to begin working on an incident or task by alerting the required stakeholders for immediate action.

The Notify connector for Microsoft Teams expands the Notify providers by managing and initiating a Microsoft Teams meeting directly from any task record.

Key features

  • Promote Chat to Call: Enable an agent to promote a live chat with an employee to a call, leading to faster ticket resolution.
  • Start and end Microsoft Teams meeting directly from any record such as an incident or a task or from the major incident workbench.
  • Manage a Microsoft Teams meeting by adding or removing participants.
  • Track and report the meeting details such as meeting duration and attendees for further analysis.
  • For calls requiring higher-touch resolution, an agent can promote a Chat to a Microsoft Teams Call, directly from Agent Workspace. Requires — Agent Chat (Plugin).

01. Navegar para o Menu de Plugin

  • No canto superior esquerdo do painel, localizar o ícone de “Plugin/Aplicações” dentro de Todos
    >> All > Plugins

02. Busque por “sn_notify_msteams” ou “Notify Connector for Microsoft Teams”

03. Clique em Install

04. Click Install

06. Click Install

07. Click Install



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